what have u raced and won/lost?

had my drag banshee out when i was by Clarion last week (small city in pa,..all their snow is gone)

Banshee with reeds, and pipe - SMOKED HIM

Predator -piped, slight bore, racing cam, aftermarket carb (not sure what size) and some other junk ---- kept a pretty good close race till i hit topend and blew by him..

Drag Blaster - Destroyed (i felt bad beating a blaster :( )

Outlaw 525 - lmao, idk why he raced me... i dont even think he saw me leave the line and destroy him...i think he was baffled...

yz 250 with pipe and some others that idk -- beat by a nose.. i got a wheely on my start off

raptor 700r pipe and slight bore, racing cam - 1st race lost...i couldn't leave the line lmao, my tires spun and spun and spun and made huge smoke cloud...

Raptor 700r (same mods as ^^ cuz its same bike..) - race #2 (the one that i didnt smoke out) beat by almost a length and a half

YFZ 450 with pipe - wheely off the start and tied him at the last second

and then..i went HOME :P and fell asleap
If this Is only open to Blasters I'm out.
Never raced on a quad :">

If we are open up to just drags . . . a newer thing for me.
I have an XB12STT
I was handed a couple of good whoopin' the first time at the track

Fast-Forward to . . .
New Drummer and titanium exhaust,
883 primary,
custom intake,
race ecm.

Bring your Jap. crap and get ready to get smacked!!!!
In the 1/8, I've handed it to almost every Jap. liter and two 'busas.
Still lose occasionally, but my plates now read, 'LTRETR'

I also spent several years riding MX/SX, mostly district 22 and 23, (IA & MN). I made a couple big races, took my stabs at fame. I ride for fun now. I can't afford to get hurt. The sponsors only help with parts, not a paycheck.
Keep up the racing guys, there is a great community of riders out there. Help your local tracks out and they will help you find sponsors.
I have raced a 300ex with a cobra pipe and UNI airfilter and my blaster was stock I beat him by about 4 lengths in a drag
It's the way my bike was setup an the skill i had on the MX track i beat a stock 450, at brewers speedway i drag raced an beat a piped,filtered, an jetted z400. the bikes have alot of potential you just gotta know what setup works the best.
the biggest quad i have beaten on a mx track was a 450r but the track was more for dirtbikes but blaster rode awsome on it me and him were doing a 3 lap around a 3/4-1 mile track i beat him by about 5-6 sec
wow this forum has changed since last time i was on here which was prob a few months ago,i've been out there with my 85250r 3wheeler racing around,the blasters are too scared to come near me lol.

i've raced a few blasters-won,won,won
a couple hyped up 250r trikes-lost some won some
a 1300 turbo hybusa yfz450- umm lost that 1
a 52hp banshee-lost by about 4 bike lengths