what happens if idle is to high


Aug 26, 2011
Pacific northwest, washington
well i have never had problems with my idle being to high, i was just wondering what happens if it is, like if the idle screw is just turned in to much. does it cause hangings revs or affect riding performance?
Nothing really outside of sounding like it's well too high lol
You may have a problem starting it especially if it's set high enough to bypass the pilot jet.
when you let off while moving it will want to keep going instead of slowing down? at least thats how i would think of it but thats more of a throttle cable
just a stupid thought i guess.

but eventually if the idle rev was to high, couldnt it potentially blow it, or score the piston. etc?
Providing it is getting adequate cooling air, without air leaks, and the idle mixture is set correctly, it can rev its head off, within reason without a problem.