well my buddy is thinkin about buying one for his first quad in like 10 years... hes gotta get a good deal on it an its brand new 2010 model an we cant seem to find any rider reviews on these quads.. any info would help thanks guys!!!
im tellin ya man.. alot of the outta country stuff is junk sure.. it might be cheaper than a main stream machine BUT compair the quality... the main stream been making stuff for 30+ years now... like i said there are a few china knock offs that are worth it, ( kymco does make some nice scooters though)
sunl tell me these dont look to be wayyyy higher quality knock offs.
SunL::ATV::ATVs - Up 250cc granted the sla 350s looks like a yfz450
and shineray... prob THE best knock off quads made... check out there sport quads.. China Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.