What does everyone think of KYMCO Maxxer's????


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
well my buddy is thinkin about buying one for his first quad in like 10 years... hes gotta get a good deal on it an its brand new 2010 model an we cant seem to find any rider reviews on these quads.. any info would help thanks guys!!!
they're pretty cool, tell him to get mongoose 300 or a arctic cat 300 auto, both alright begginer quads, arctic cat is better, i have seen some pretty good stunt video's with these too, weird caust they seen kinda underpowered.
see where suppose to go look at it on saterday an im tryin to get oppinions before then.. lol so i dont know what to tell him... all i can do is look at it for him an tell him what i think... just seems like a lot of money for something ive never heard of
hmmmmm. weird i didn't know they made a 400 mxu i heard of a 500 though, i just noticed that i posted a australian site, i'd go to kymco usa for usa products, my bad sorry.
junk.. junk junk junk.... and more junk!!!!!! .... if he wants a nice utility quad find a nice condition used honda forman or ranger, or a polaris tail boss, scambler, sports man.. or yamaha wolverine...

there are only a few off brands that are worth it... gas gas ( off brand cos there not realy polular here) and a few others
thanks aric. an buy the way they still have a brand new 06 blaster an 06 speacil ed banshee on there show room floor. still want the 06 price but there brand freakin new
im tellin ya man.. alot of the outta country stuff is junk sure.. it might be cheaper than a main stream machine BUT compair the quality... the main stream been making stuff for 30+ years now... like i said there are a few china knock offs that are worth it, ( kymco does make some nice scooters though)

sunl tell me these dont look to be wayyyy higher quality knock offs.
SunL :: ATV :: ATVs - Up 250cc granted the sla 350s looks like a yfz450

and shineray... prob THE best knock off quads made... check out there sport quads.. China Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.
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Kymco is not a made in China knock off brand..... They have really good quality, and are starting to establish and very good dealer base in the US due to the good quality and price of there quads. Yes, they did start in the US with mini quads when the MADE IN CHINA knock off started getting big BUT Kymco has way better quality then any of the knock off brands. They also have a good dealer base so parts are not hard to come by. They are a just a newer major brand and most ppl think they are junk. If he can get a good deal on one they I would say go for it but like anything else.... be sure to shop around and see what kind of deals you can get.... It's getting to the end of year and dealers are going to start moving quads so they don't have to pay taxes on them.
im tellin ya man.. alot of the outta country stuff is junk sure.. it might be cheaper than a main stream machine BUT compair the quality... the main stream been making stuff for 30+ years now... like i said there are a few china knock offs that are worth it, ( kymco does make some nice scooters though)

sunl tell me these dont look to be wayyyy higher quality knock offs.
SunL::ATV::ATVs - Up 250cc granted the sla 350s looks like a yfz450

and shineray... prob THE best knock off quads made... check out there sport quads.. China Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.

i checked out the weight on those Shineray quads. they list them in Kilograms so i did a conversion to pounds and damn they are some heavy quads for sport
Ok I talked the the stealership for him on prices an f*ck that. The lowest they would go after taxes an title an other bs is 7200 for an off brand. But yet they have a brand new 09 wolverine there an after all the bs it'll b just under 6000 wtf??? For bein a new company an want to get the quads out they sure don't give much of a brake. Damn I think he's gonna pass on a new quad. An aric he said his interested but not sure cause that's a long drive but I might have him talked into it. Lol
If you have this months issue of Dirt Wheels The Kymco ATV's are listed in there buyers guide as the MSRP for a Kymco MXU 500 IRS is $6999. Kymco is so missunderstood. They are not an off brand by any meens... They are just new to the USA. If you reed they say in Dirt Wheels they make motors for brands like BMW. Dirt Wheels do not list made in china knock off brands in there mags. They also list the Maxxer 375 for $5999 so I don't know why your dealers is asking more then MSRP for which ever one you looked at.