okay, so heres the deal, i'm 6'2" and growing still, and the blaster is starting to look.... small on me, and feel small when riding it, i know that i could make it bigger with extended steerign stems, a arms axles, banshee rear plastics, but i'm starting to think about mayeb just riding my blaster the way it is till the end of the year, freshening the topend up and sell it, if i stop putting all my money into it now i could easily save up for a yfz, a trx250r, a banshee, a kfx 450r, maybe a zilla and maybe even a ds450 if i could find the cash, i know i want a 450cc or larger bike, i just don't know if i should just keep the blaster and mod it to be bigger or not, i know this is a blaster forum, but give me a honest opinion