What do i need?


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
Farmington Hills, Mi
I am new to forum and new to blasters. I bought a 91 blaster a few weeks knowing that it needs new clutch plates. I am getting ready to do that soon and i have the service manual so i know how to do it but i can not find anywhere of what i need. Special tools special oil etc? anyone can help that would great. thanks
well go on ebay and look up yamaha blaster clutch kit, you will get all the disks and springs with it.
and i run belray gearsaver 80w and its awesome, other run just 10w30 motor oil
on rockymountainatv.com if u put in the year make and model like u r looking for parts and scroll down to clutches and click on the tusk clutch and then scroll down to the discription and look at the tabs there and there should be a video tab and it is a diy for replaceing a clutch just thought this might help