What did you do to your quad today?


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
OK on another form I'm on they have a thread to tell everyone what u did to Ur quad on that day and u can post pics and show off what u did ill start
i cleaned the 400ex's airbox,and air filter.(im trying to make a big thread)
not trying to rain on your paraid but there is already a topic on this called "what did you do to your blaster today" soo just sayin
not trying to rain on your paraid but there is already a topic on this called "what did you do to your blaster today" soo just sayin

nice looking sig blaster01 the 3 wheelers look awesome but there is something off to the side that i dont like looks like a 4 poke lol just playin around
I put new chain rollers on,
few stickers,
new uni filter,
bigger jet(240),
shorty rear brake cable,
New rear pads

oh yea and i mounted my wally lights
spent a few hours grinding on my duner frame. gettin the welds smooth, and finishing off the brackets i cut off, and made note of where i need to add some weld to fill in so my frame is clean and smooth. and thought of ideas for a few gussets i have to make and put in place.....wish i had pics of it now......theres a thread, called rockstars duner project.....check it out, comment....
I looked at it and sighed because I have to wait until Christmas to throw parts on it...