went riding.. buddy crashed.. bad outcome..


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
my buddy rick and i took out 200x's out onto the ice today, studded up and ready to rip!!! ice condition sucked!! lake was frozen 7-8 inches BUT it frose, thawed some than frose again so most of it is real rough and choppy, the channels/ rivers are smooth, except a few spots that have water/ slush on top of the ice,

seen about 10 utility quads out, a banshee with fmf silencer with no end caps on them whippin on a mid 90s artic cat sled ( funny seein a sled fightin to keep up with a quad) and herd what sounded like ether a big bore 250r or lt250r rippin down a channel, seen a bunch of sleds and a few trucks out on the ice.

after a few passes across the lake and down the rivers as far as we could we made our way over to a gas station to get some gas in my machine. i get to the top of 5th and look back and my buddy is standing next to his machine about a half mile back, so i spin around and head back over..

turns out it got loose on some smooth ice and he high sided and flipped it 3 times, busted his rear fenders up, busted his exhaust, and landed HARD on his right shoulder/ arm he rode 1st gear about 2 miles back to the truck,

he just text me from the hospital, he ripped/ tore the muscle in his arm/ shoulder that moves your arm up and down, thats all i know so far waiting for him to text back on if he has to get surgery or not.... and he also said $200 takes it sooo i think he is gonna sell his 200x now.. i hope he dont have to have surgery if he does that will knock him out of work for a while, and prob riding for the winter!

so if he sells it for $200 im gonna pick it up for the wife, sucks its gotta be like this but its got $800 in new parts, all it needs is the exhaust fixed and now plastics.

update.... he tore his clavical (sp?) and wil be in aneck brace 24/7 for 2 weeks tell he sees thedoc again than they decide of need surgery or not. . he cant even drive his truck, since its stick so i offerd him my car tell he goes back to the doc..
i knew it wasnt my fault.. he was behind me a bit. got loose on smooth ice and it hooked and went over.. ( and no comments like oh if he was on a quad that wouldnt have happend) take astock with blaster.. get sideways at 40-45 and catch traction and see what happens lol...

i think he is just bummed since he been lookin forward to riding this winter and now he prob wont be able to
i know how it is to dump aquad i did that on my old she when i was 16. was driftin around a corner an got some grass at about 25mph an it just went rolling... so i wouldnt blame it on it being a dike i mean trike... lol jk man. hope your friend gets better soon an isnt scared to ride again..
sorry to hear the bad news bro. hope he gets better and gets back on the trike. if not at least the trike will still be around instead of it going to someone that wont take care of it, ya know. hope he gets better
i knew it wasnt my fault.. he was behind me a bit. got loose on smooth ice and it hooked and went over.. ( and no comments like oh if he was on a quad that wouldnt have happend) take astock with blaster.. get sideways at 40-45 and catch traction and see what happens lol...

i think he is just bummed since he been lookin forward to riding this winter and now he prob wont be able to

u do no if he was on a quad, that more than likely wouldnt of happend!.....ahahaahahaah
Your friend still want to sell that 200X?? i got an extra stall in my heated garage where it will recive the best attention.. if he does pm me
haha no im good.. nice try though.. she looks great now got to get a new picture up.. and i just got my 450 front shocks on and waiting on delivery of the rappy 700 rear shock.. i just spent all my money fixing every bearing in it new gripper seat cover, tie rod ends tons more. now waiting to send the motor to wildcard
nice.. i spotted a what lookes to be really clean lt250r at aauto transmission shop here in town.. now its sittin on the side of there shop burryed in snow... i wanna know whats up with it..

buddy just text me... he sellin me the 200x
go pick it up make sure that frame aint cracked or the main bearing holes ovaled..

ugh i need to get my buddy a wheeler to ride.. get him away from them mountain bikes
if you can get it for a grand then good deal to me if its 87 and up people want a grand for the 85-86 and to me they only good for hybrid builds
well... i took ownership of his 200x tonight.. he said he is afraid of it now... and gonna stick to his sled for winter.

so order of buisness... rear fenders, front fender, install brakes, and aftermarket pipe