Well fellas, today was the day lol. Finally smoked my top end riding out in the snow lmao. Lost alot of compression and I'm also pretty sure I blew out my crank seal. Just bought a Athena top end gasket set, Wiseco bottom end seal kit with clutch cover gasket, some yamabond 4, anddddd Tusk rear wheel spacers just for the hell of it

Then I'll work on everything else until spring comes when I can properly jet the bike for normal weather. I already have a good little pile of parts for now. New DG National front bumper, Alba rear grab bar, Maier Front race plastics, new rear plastics (going to blue btw), 14-40 sprocket set. I'l put all of it on day by day. Beadlocks are on the way, still unsure if I want the diamond j widening kit up front or the alba a-arms, And possibly going with a DMC Alien pipe kit if not a dynoport or Shearer. I'l keep everyone updated along the way and ask qestions when I need to though