wats a good clutch lever?


New Member
Feb 18, 2008
New York
i just got new bars and grips
so want to change my clutch kever
but i dont want to spend like a hundred bucks
any ideas?

and i took my parking brake off if that helps
a good clutch lever is the one that pulls the cable and releases your clutch, it would be a waste to buy a new one just cut it dont match. but i always go with scott grips and levers.
get a Turner AOF clutch lever theya re like 20 bucks. they even have a perch and are adjust on the fly
just get a cheap one from dennis krik that is like 7 bucks or sumthin, get like 3 so if you break 1 you will have another one, they are cheap and surprisingly strong for the price
has parking break bs on it. and they break like a sh*tter easy

he sez that he took off the p-brake... when i bought mine, it didnt have any of that stuff on it... if it did tho, i woulda just took 2 seconds and took it off... stock aint all that bad... a new lever is (imo) just for the show factor.. the alllllll do tha same thing, and will alllll break/bend if you dont take care of it or drop it off a cliff
its no for show
i got my blaster(the one in my avatar) for 750
it was blowen up and the kid was dumb
he took the parking brake off and sum how bent the lever so it hangs down real low
thnx for the advice thou
ill look tonight
i removed the damn parking break ever since i bought it, the cable, metal piece, and got a plate for the caliper. it wobbled like crazy anyway
I like the ARC clutch levers, i don't think they're all to expensive and they have the break-away feature so you don't break it or your wrist :)
not all clutch levers are the same tho, some move the pivot point for an easier pull and thos might be like 20 bucks or so but whatever you want