warrior with blaster front hood

I like that...I have a warrior and I also have the stock front from my 03 blasty laying around since I put my maier race front on?????????HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....I wonder.
i got a 99 warrior with a after market hood. anything looks better than the stock. ill post pictures of mine tomorrow sometime if i can find this thread again
i don't really care for that hood on a warrior. i like the stock bug eyes up top.
not too shabby, i wouldve thought it was a blaster if you didn't tell me its a warrior
I hate the stock hood but i got one off maier.com thats pretty sporty, and it allows you to keep the bug eyes, i like em too...

deffinately post a pic of the hood man. you have me doing some thinking now, but the hood over on maier.com will not work with my stock fenders or headlights. i do have the plastic shaved though. it would look mean with that style hood.