Wanting to move to Canada when i get older

where do u live now...so I can compare.

for now,..ummm after you become a canadian citizen, free health care is a big one, and everybody is very nice. lol

dont live in the city, very bad choice....my parents made a decision to move to a small town 20 yrs ago and dont regret it.

winter can be brutal.
iwant to movie to ontario i live in the US and right by louisville,KY
yeah i hear there is very low crime rate and it is just a bunch of nice a laid back people
the only hard thing would be would be trying to get my girlfriend to go up there lol i want to do this after highschool or collage so i got like around 5 years before i would move there but i want to go there when i am 18 to check it out
but where i live itis a bunch of rednecks i dont like cities i like wide open places and canada has like 1/10th of the people that america has and is slightly larger also but the funny thing is mostof the canadians live in the southern 1/3 of the country lol
but where i live itis a bunch of rednecks i dont like cities i like wide open places and canada has like 1/10th of the people that america has and is slightly larger also but the funny thing is mostof the canadians live in the southern 1/3 of the country lol
There are more people in California than all of Canada.
Don't worry, Obama is trying to turn the US into a Socialist Wonderland.
I wonder where the magic money comes from for free health care in Canada?
Oh, Canada is already starting to open for profit health care centers. Because their system is collapsing.
Go figure.
We'll miss you.
Wanted: people who are willing to create their own opportunities. Please come to America.

People used to be ashamed of taking a hand out. Now they are looking.
(Knowpig sighs)
Canada's health care system is far from free, and far from perfect, as is the present system in the US.
Beautiful country, the west especially has lots of wide open space, the Rocky Mountains are incredible. The winters can be brutal, but in Southern Alberta where I am, they are tolerable.
it would be a good place to go for snowmobileing lol...
if your looking for wide open spaces move to michigans upper peninsula half the people in the U.P. are canadian anyways lol
There are more people in California than all of Canada.
Don't worry, Obama is trying to turn the US into a Socialist Wonderland.
I wonder where the magic money comes from for free health care in Canada?
Oh, Canada is already starting to open for profit health care centers. Because their system is collapsing.
Go figure.
We'll miss you.
Wanted: people who are willing to create their own opportunities. Please come to America.

People used to be ashamed of taking a hand out. Now they are looking.
(Knowpig sighs)

Ahh you guys just wish you had it. Have fun paying out the ass for your healthcare.
and dont you get a check for being a citizen every year

They get that because everything costs like 2 first borns more than the rest of north america lol.

seriously though, what are the numbers? i know ive heard something about idling cars forever since they dont start? what is this? i thought i heard something about it, im curious.
They get that because everything costs like 2 first borns more than the rest of north america lol.

seriously though, what are the numbers? i know ive heard something about idling cars forever since they dont start? what is this? i thought i heard something about it, im curious.

Yeah without it no one here would make it...
the check is anywhere from $800 to $1800, it depends on how much the oil companies make during the year which is complete bs imo.

The winters in the interior are hard, cars won't start unless the oil is heated by an oil pan heater, if you don't have one your pretty much screwed, most people leave cars on when they go to the store or whatever. When it gets -40F or colder you need to start your car every few hours and let it run for awhile even if it is heated by an oil pan heater. Diesels HATE cold they pretty much have to be left on most of the time if its colder then -20.
Down south the winters are much more mild... but so are the summers.
But hell at least you can still get a job here and if you can make it through the winters its a great place to live.
I've seen youtube vids of long haul transports in russia having to start a fire underneath the differentials!!
Yes lol! Those guys that go up north in the winter gotta go to some extreme measures. It beats the old days when they drained the oil before bed and took it inside, then put it back in in the morning.... It sucks balls working on cars in the winter!