W5- Atv deaths ....

Okay I was reading an article in quad magazine about the rhino and sh*t and it said in the magazine if you wear your seatbelt that your supposed to wear and put or keep on the doors your odds of getting hurt on one are slim to none. Its just common sense don't go hot rodding in something you don't know how to drive and follow all the safety percautions. People shouldn't be able to sue its there on dumb fat ass fault they don't know how to wear a helmet and put on a seatbelt.
Maybe because alot of you americans love lawyers and love sueing people. if you all weren't thinking sue the f*ckers in your head when something goes wrong, then this wouldnt be a problem. biotch at me all you want but i love canada, that being one of the reasons.

haha, always looking for something to biotch about. yes 89, all of us american blaster riders here are out thinking if we crash we are gonna sue, thats why we made this thread!! you have us figured out!! I:I
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why do people always blame the company instead of the idiot using the product. that reminds me of a few years ago when mcdonalds got sued for some idiot spilling hot coffee on themselves. ridiculous.
^^^ same thing where a guy ate at mickey d's everyday and got fat and sued like dont you know your gonna get fat? and my friend has a rhino with all the doors on it and we put on our seatbelts i think we tipped it like 3 times in a day and the worse thing that happened was that my shirt got dirty,, we were not wearing helmets probally should have but it was a spur of the moment deal but there are people sue because it tips its not that hard to tip them but still even a car will tip if you go fast enough around a corner dumb people