"Vitos Crankshaft" on ebay


May 2, 2010
West Central Florida
I am in need of a crank and was browsing ebay this morning. I found this one and I bid on it too soon because its a good deal. Then I zoomed in after something didnt look right. I noticed it was definitley not a vitos.
The title clearly says vitos and goes so far as to use vitos part# PC200.
It even appears to be in a vitos box just like the last one I bought from vitos and it also shows the pin bearing as a silver caged bearing exactly like vitos!!!
I messaged the guy immediately and just got this response.
1st is my messge to him:
I just bid on this crankshaft but after zooming in the picture I dont see the stuffer blocks on it. Can you please email me a better pic of the crank out of the box? If it is truly the vitos stuffer stock stroke crank I want it. Thank You
next his response:
did not advertise this as one its a stock replacement if it was 3mm over it would have the plate and all i guess figure out how to retract your bid

I never mentioned a +3mm actually said stock stroke
the item number 350587325617

Just figured the forum could help educate this guy. I was able to retract my bid.
Hmmmmm that is strange. Perhaps a call to Vito's is in order. They may not be getting the stuffer blocks in anymore, who knows!

That certainly does look like a vito's box and foam and silver caged bearing!
the vendor is not vitos and his response to me says its just a stock replacement and he denies advertising it as a vitos thats the effed up part.
I also looked on vitos site and they ony show stuffers