yea definatly crazy to try and drift your dirt/mudd tires on asphalt. doesnt that guy know hes playing on hard asphalt and needs to atleast have his old set of baldies on there to cut back on rear traction..... HMMMM sounds fun maybe ill try that at the end of riding season, so if i do screw myself up its at the end of the fun and ill have all winter to fix my baby.
I agree it is crazy, I got a couple houses on my block (live at base of mountain), and we got city streets out from our houses. Anyway my buddy on the block also has a blaster and when it's nice we will rally around the street allday etc. We are always drifting the asphalt corner entering the block on knobbies. It is super sketchy, but you just have to get the mad lean and have your tires I'll gun that biotch hard while sideways to keep the tires spinning as they go sideways....sketchy time. I did one time keep sliding and never straightened out and when i hit the curb, i got thrown about twenty feet into the neighbors yard, luckily my blaster did a full flip sideways and landed on it's wheels, also in the yard.....but no damage. I wish I had that sh*t on video.....lolI:I