Vforce 4 reeds??

I've been wanting reeds for sometime. Hopefully I'll get some time in the morning to install these and get back to you guys before work.
Mounted them up today. Installation was easy. Used permatex copper seal-a-gasket spray. She ran great. Don't think there was any power gain like the ad claims. But defenate increase in throttle response. I'm happy
Mounted them up today. Installation was easy. Used permatex copper seal-a-gasket spray. She ran great. Don't think there was any power gain like the ad claims. But defenate increase in throttle response. I'm happy

cool! Was wondering when they would make these! I don't buy the 4-5 HP claim either.
Thanks man. Ebays search sucks. I straight up typed "vforce4 blaster" I tried "v-force4 blaster" and a few other ones.

Ive been putting this off for a long time now. My reeds are chipped, and I think theyre keeping me from getting my jetting dialed in all the way, so I finally bit the bullet and got these things.
here's a few reviews i found on other websites, although not on blasters, the design changes between the 3's and 4's are the same.
as is the toughts the 2's produced more power then the 3's
i'm seeing reports these 4's are comparable to the old 2's power gains, minus the pesky screws that loved to come loose and destroy sh*t

at least 4 people have reported the 4's will require a pilot jet increase to accomodate the new, higher air flow ?.
one of which was involved in the development and dyno testing of these new vf-4's


Anyway, i compared them to 3's and yes i felt an improvement. There was 4 of us riding this thing and we all came to the same conclusion that they are better than 3's, feel like 2's and are leaps better than the duncans. pulled them out one more time and put them in the wifes stocker and and holy fu*k, bottom end everywhere so im gonna order up a set for that. To the guys running 2's, just keep them. If your running stockers or 3's their worth checking out. That is my review, thanks.


Jus got back from the ride. Reeds perform as advertised gains all across the board. I really noticed the grunt down low, felt real snappy.
b4 i had hardly any bottom end, now its "there".
Overall im pleased with the 4s


I just installed and tried the new 4's out today.. I was running the 2's previous.. I noticed a bit more throttle response over the 2's! As far as over all power gain.. Not noticable to me by my butt dyno!! Whoever i do have to change the jetting a bit.. The 4's created a slight dead spot if i wack the throttle hard under a load.. Pretty sure if i bump up the pilot it will cure the problem.. If not ill richen the needle a clip..

reply to that /\...... Testing showed they needed more fuel from the pilot. (Even going from 3's) So I'd start by going up one pilot size and tune from there.

Yup.. You were spot on.. Bumped up one size on the pilot and she's good to go!!


HP gain will depend on the amount of power your motor can make. Will you see 4-5 HP more from your mild HP bolt on bike? Well probably not in the peak number. But making 2-3-4 more up the entire face of the curve is still more power. Unported bikes will see throttle response improve and lower RPM torque numbers go up for sure. Ported fully built bikes should see improvements in everything.
The young guys over there at moto tassanari have finally convinced the owner to start catering to the fully built bikes.

I'll tell you this much. You all better get good at tuning pilots. Cause your going to need more fuel on the bottom end to feed them. Front side curve (low to mid torque/HP) is much stronger.


VF2's make better overall power. They also let a screw go from time to time causing serious engine damage. In comes the VF3. Modular, easy to replace parts, not quite the performance of a VF2. Now from what little I have seen here and after looking at one of the new VF4's on a buddy's dirt bike, it is pretty much the better performing VF2, yet in a modular package like the VF3. I haven't been talking to the couple guys dynoing them on banshee applications, but I have seen them perform on dirt bikes and I am gonna have to piss in every ones Cheerios and say they do work, believe it or not. Their 4-5 hp. claim isn't over the VF3, it is over the stock cages with good reeds. The one I saw for a ktm 300 had improved tension pedals so that some how the things actually create more torque and yet more up top. Just the seat of pants difference was enough to impress me and I have had some decent motors under me. It did end up needing more fuel, and more fuel means more go !!!!!!!


V-2's make more power than 3's. (But if you do the reed stuffer mod on the 3's you can gain HP depending on the motor. My 10 mill gained 3 HP.)
But the 4's made even more power than the modded 3's.
(Yes I have the 4's in my bike as we speak and did the dyno testing.)
The 4-5 HP improvement claim will be over stock style reeds. But the 4's are right on par with the 2's as far as performance. The stronger the motor, the bigger improvement.
So instead of searching the globe for the last remaining 2's ......you can get the 4's with the new reed mounting system and stuffers that actually HELP performance and make great power without ever worrying about screws falling into your motor.
Also, as much as the 2's are known for great performance.....they are also known for short petal life. That should not be an issue with the new 4's.

All I can do is report what dyno testing shows. Anyone who's been in the game knows that the V-2's made more overall power than the V-3's. but the 3's had better throttle response on most motors. (Not important to the drag crowd...but if you ride Dirt/MX/Woods/Trials in any way the 3's were the best choice. So now they took the best of the V-2 design, coupled it with the V-3 reed mounting, went with a fantastic petal shape and offering it in a package that will really give you the great low end power, throttle response and strong top end all in one package.
Lovers of the V-2's will be a hard group to win over because 90% of them have never been on a dyno and don't even know how much power they are making. But they are great tuners that use track results to determine the value of a part. Sadly they didn't like the V-3's so the'll stick to what has worked for them for years. (That's fine, V-2 petals are still something that they can buy.)
But the new 4's were right on par with the V-2 performance. They still make even more power than V-3's with the reed stuffer mod, plus they need a lot more fuel early in the curve due to the better low end torque they make.
Some my not think buying them is worth the money if they have 3's already.......but they aren't hype. They make more power overall.

Anyone who's been in the drag game knows the V-2's made the most HP on the drag bikes.
The V-3's had great throttle response and focused on low to mid power improvements.
The V-4's are a blending of those two styles, with improved reed stuffers that actually work and a great petal tension.

Now they are claiming 4-5HP increases over stock style reed systems. Will you see a 5 HP jump on the machine in your signature over your 3's?.....No.
Your peak HP number might only go up 1 HP on that level of a build. But the front side of the curves have looked much stronger. (Better low and mid torque.)
As the power levels of a motor go up....so do the improvements over the previous reed designs.
In our testing we found that (On my 100+ HP Redline 10 mill Cub on gas) we would see a 3HP improvement on the V-3's by doing the reed stuffer mod.
The V-4's made 2 more HP than the modded 3's and had a little stronger performance on the way up to peak.
They basically have the top end power of the old 2's that the drag guys like, with the throttle response of the 3's, with the added benefit of even better low and mid power than you got with the 3's.
Will you feel it in the seat of your pants on your Butt dyno? In the crispness of the throttle....I'd say yes. In the couple of HP....not in the seat of the pants.
But it really offers the best of both worlds without the risk of screws in your motor like the old 2's had.
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here's a few reviews i found on other websites, although not on blasters, the design changes between the 3's and 4's are the same.
as is the toughts the 2's produced more power then the 3's
i'm seeing reports these 4's are comparable to the old 2's power gains, minus the pesky screws that loved to come loose and destroy sh*t

at least 4 people have reported the 4's will require a pilot jet increase to accomodate the new, higher air flow ?.
one of which was involved in the development and dyno testing of these new vf-4's


Anyway, i compared them to 3's and yes i felt an improvement. There was 4 of us riding this thing and we all came to the same conclusion that they are better than 3's, feel like 2's and are leaps better than the duncans. pulled them out one more time and put them in the wifes stocker and and holy fu*k, bottom end everywhere so im gonna order up a set for that. To the guys running 2's, just keep them. If your running stockers or 3's their worth checking out. That is my review, thanks.


Jus got back from the ride. Reeds perform as advertised gains all across the board. I really noticed the grunt down low, felt real snappy.
b4 i had hardly any bottom end, now its "there".
Overall im pleased with the 4s


I just installed and tried the new 4's out today.. I was running the 2's previous.. I noticed a bit more throttle response over the 2's! As far as over all power gain.. Not noticable to me by my butt dyno!! Whoever i do have to change the jetting a bit.. The 4's created a slight dead spot if i wack the throttle hard under a load.. Pretty sure if i bump up the pilot it will cure the problem.. If not ill richen the needle a clip..

reply to that /\...... Testing showed they needed more fuel from the pilot. (Even going from 3's) So I'd start by going up one pilot size and tune from there.

Yup.. You were spot on.. Bumped up one size on the pilot and she's good to go!!

great info awk how hard is it to change the pilot jet? and do the 3's require any rejetting vs the stock reeds? i just got a 280 main so i can do the block off and the open air box with a k and n
great info awk how hard is it to change the pilot jet? and do the 3's require any rejetting vs the stock reeds? i just got a 280 main so i can do the block off and the open air box with a k and n

i'm not sure if when i did vf-3's it required a jetting change, as i did several mods all at once, including my first round of porting.

the jetting101 guide on here will guide you thru the jetting process from bottom to top, and always plug chop to confirm that main jet
of course these are the banshee vf-4's, so the % # increases may not be accurate, but prolly very comparable.
the 4's are on top and on the right in the pics vs. the 3's

First thing we noticed is if needed you can take the stuffer out and looks like you can run it without IF needed without buying the reed stuffers we carry. They also have a sealing lip around the carb side for better sealing to gskt surface.

The 2nd thing we see which is cool....is they are .060 wider overall than the vf 3s!! The petals measure about .035 wider EACH petal x 8 than the 3s!!!!
The air inlets are .025 wider behind each petal x 8 for more flow than the vf 3s.

Third pic is of the center airfoil which has been narrowed for more air flow.

They also have a built in spacer (.130 wide)...



. .
Nice pics Joe! definetly changed the set-up possibly for the better, I see they added reed stops too. My Vf'3 with my hogged out mod is close to what they have done!

damn! i have ultimately refused to buy the vf3's just cause i didn't really think they were worth the asking price. seems like this vf4 set is actually worth buying though. i love the fact that they have a built-in spacer too. that means i could get rid of this separate spacer i'm having to use now. and they're cheaper!

might just purchase these soon!
Here's my take...

First off...STOCK REEDS work VERY GOOD!

Second...I'm running the Vforce3's and can say that they definitely increased throttle response. Nice and crisp! They fit perfectly,and are well made.

However...there is no way in hell that I'm going to get sucked into the bullsh*t that the Vforce4 reed assemblys makes 4 to 5 HP more than the Vforce3's

Give me a break:-/

All I can say is...SHOW ME!

Perhaps its the decals that come with the reeds that magically add 4 to 5 HP more.

B-U-L-L S-H-*-T
^I think it depends on your modifications.

If you have portwork done, added transfer ports, and boyessen ports, and combustion chamber reshaping, then you get to a point where the engine has to breathe. Putting a bigger carb on it can only do so much if the bottleneck is in the reedcage.

Im not saying the 4s will make more power than the 3s. What Im saying is, if they have x amount more surface area, and they will flow x amount more air, if your engine NEEDS that x amount more air the 3s or other reeds arent giving it, then they WILL increase your HP. Physics states if the engine is a pump and it needs more air, giving it more air (which will also pull more fuel through the venturi ports of the carb) will increase the output.

Also I highly doubt youre going to find someone that is going to do back to back dyno runs with the 2 reedcages, changing nothing but reedcages, and even if they did rejet, that information could be suspect as well, because if you increase air (in theory - again, not saying they will), and you dont increase fuel, you are going to make more power at the risk of damaging the engine.

However, I will say that if I already had VF3s but I didnt have all the other supporting breathing mods I may need, I probably wouldnt upgrade, however if I was at the top of everything I could do (ported, stroked, milled, best pipe I could run, biggest carb I could run, etc), I may consider it, because at that point youre not likely to HURT anything, and you MAY get SOMETHING out of it.

Its easier to get 5hp out of a 40hp motor than it is to get it out of a 17hp motor (pretty much talking stock vs heavily modded).

Although I will probably go on record and state the blaster engine in stock form is so conservative, I doubt youre going to see much gains, if any other than response, by changing out the reedcage.