need to vent and i cant vent to the wife cos the mother in law and her b/f are here.....
spend 5 hours buffing and waxing a 22? foot inclosed car trailer today... had to drive 40 mile round trip to pick my boss up from a shop.. my pay for the day should have been 68.. and prob sahould have got something for my gas used picking him up.. got paid 63 fkn bucks!!
get home and mother inlaws b/f parked his fkn truck in front of MY GARAGE so ihad to park in the damn parkin lot!!
i get in the house and he puttin this stupid plastic mat up the stairs so the carpet dont get stained.. fine whatever but the plastic is FKN smooth!! i swear the first time i slip and fall dowsn the stairs im rippin it out ( had some by the top of the stairs and i already slipped on it)
than i look to see what there doing in my garage ( gettin parts for baby crib out) and he has boxes and empty boxes piled on top of my fkn 200x!!! WTF?!!?!??!!? i just painted it the other day and krylon calls for 7 day cure time and if my sh*ts scratched im gonna molly wap someone up side the head!!
i feel a little better...
spend 5 hours buffing and waxing a 22? foot inclosed car trailer today... had to drive 40 mile round trip to pick my boss up from a shop.. my pay for the day should have been 68.. and prob sahould have got something for my gas used picking him up.. got paid 63 fkn bucks!!
get home and mother inlaws b/f parked his fkn truck in front of MY GARAGE so ihad to park in the damn parkin lot!!
i get in the house and he puttin this stupid plastic mat up the stairs so the carpet dont get stained.. fine whatever but the plastic is FKN smooth!! i swear the first time i slip and fall dowsn the stairs im rippin it out ( had some by the top of the stairs and i already slipped on it)
than i look to see what there doing in my garage ( gettin parts for baby crib out) and he has boxes and empty boxes piled on top of my fkn 200x!!! WTF?!!?!??!!? i just painted it the other day and krylon calls for 7 day cure time and if my sh*ts scratched im gonna molly wap someone up side the head!!
i feel a little better...