Unfare infraction!!!!!!

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dirtyblaster,you suck!just joking.Im not mad at him.He's just looking out for the forum.I was not thinking and got myself into this.
I just have 1 question about being offensive? Its ok to call yourself a name but not others?

I find it offensive that Fed has tattooed white trash in his sig! I consider that a racist remark. So the way I take that is if I was black and called myself the N word in my sig that would be ok?

I am white and have a sh*t load of tatts and I dont like to be thought of as tattooed whitetrash. I consider white trash the same as the N word.

Same as if someone called me honkie or whitey or so on.
just wanted to point something out that i think is really messed up about the state of massachusetts
in massachusetts its illegal to say the word "retard" or any variation of it, you get a fine for doing so. but the "n" word is not illegal because in some circles it is still socially acceptable. now before i get flamed the reason i say its messed up is because they are both pretty damn offensive things to say, even if taken out of context. so i agree with the infraction, but at least you didnt get banned for it.
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