ufc tonite???


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
anyone else watching the fights tonite??? predictions???
i hope rashad gets his loud mouth smashed and would like mclovin to beat that british dude too
same bro.. btw dont pay for that sh*t..

go to ninjavideo.net
then sports.. ufc is in there... ITS ALL FREE AND just as good as tv.. no bs.

rashad will pull some bullshit off... i cant stand him though..

went to school with josh koscheck.. he was on my wrestling team..
i like griffin,lidell,randy couture,swick and a few others.. i follow it alot.



then click this... a security thing will come up..allow it to run its just a beta helper to watch movies.
Click here to launch the NinjaVideo Helper Beta 0.3.10

then go to other/sports will drop..here
NinjaVideo.net - Sports

watch and enjoy.. no cams man.. all from tv.. just like turning on your tv.
i seriously canceled our cable for this.. ive been going here for ever a year and a half..\

just browse around EVERY tv show and NEW movie is out.. things come here from overseas as well long before they hit the movie houses around here..

thanx boost gonna check it out, try'd a different one last fights, but they didnt come on till 3 in the morn, that might be ok for an insomniac like you, but i wanna watch 'em now,
my favorites are rashad and anderson silva pssss... knocked embarassed da hell out of forest griffin
damn, just watched the weigh-ins and rashad was actually humble, musta just been for tv or rampage that he acted like an ass on the house
same bro.. btw dont pay for that sh*t..

go to ninjavideo.net
then sports.. ufc is in there... ITS ALL FREE AND just as good as tv.. no bs.

rashad will pull some bullshit off... i cant stand him though..

went to school with josh koscheck.. he was on my wrestling team..
i like griffin,lidell,randy couture,swick and a few others.. i follow it alot.



then click this... a security thing will come up..allow it to run its just a beta helper to watch movies.
Click here to launch the NinjaVideo Helper Beta 0.3.10

then go to other/sports will drop..here
NinjaVideo.net - Sports

watch and enjoy.. no cams man.. all from tv.. just like turning on your tv.
i seriously canceled our cable for this.. ive been going here for ever a year and a half..\

just browse around EVERY tv show and NEW movie is out.. things come here from overseas as well long before they hit the movie houses around here..


^^ Thanks man!

Who has 2 thumbs and hopes Thiago breaks Rashads face? This guy I:I

I want to name my first son Thiago but my wife won't let me..... I wanna use that name mainly because my middle name is Thai but it doesn't hurt that there are a few fighters named Thiago......

I could really care less about the rest of the fight card. I'm sure there will be some REALLY good fights but the truth is, I have sh*t to do :(

Koscheck is nice.... I like him and his style!

My brother in law trains w/ Matt Mitrione in Indianapolis and through my boss I met Chris Lytle. They grew up together..... That's prolly the closest I've came to "knowing" a pro fighter. Chris, my boss and myself did go out to Pizza King at 1 am for a pizza. He was a cool cat!
went to the ninja site and didnt see tonites fights listed,
or am i de da dee
its not instant to order either??? wtf i just decided and it says order by phone or something, then it says ordered but no picture still says like click info for more info