twist throttle

Its a saftey feature IMO............

I grew up riding dirtbikes and am used to a twist throttle and I preffer them on my quads.

But you will hear alot of bad reviews on a twist on a quad.

I think it boils down to personal opinion........
what he said^^^^ it's going to come down to personal preference...i personally like the thumb throttle
I dont really know how it feels yet. Since I put my twist throttle on. The blaster wont startX(:o:(:-/
Anybody know what could be wrong.

Twist throttles on a quad sucks. I had a z400 awhile ago that came with it. It's different having a twist on a dirtbike because you mostly lean to turn the bike. On a ATV you have to twist the handlebars and it's difficult to keep your hand on the same position on the throttle.