Twist throttle questions

I personally like twist throttle rather then thumb. I put mine on after i got my quad but ive been riding motocross bikes since i was 6 so it feels asif i have more controll over the quad.
i like thumb throttles because you have more control over the throttleing, sometimes you can accidentally hit the throttle going over bumps whoops or jumps with a twist, thumb gives more control but some who learned to ride with a twist feel more comfortable with it and can use it better so they do, it all depends on how you like it.
i've ridden both dirbikes and quads....and body english is different on both. a twist throttle seems more comfortable on a dirtbike. where as a thumb throttle seems more safe on a quad. if you learn to adjust to a twist throttle on a quad it works ok. but the leaning and moving around the seat make a twist more awkward IMO. my bros tecate has a twist, i hate it. i cant have as much fun on it as i can the thumb quads.
All I know is three wheeler's first came out with twist's, then they changed to thumb and every usa and jap 3wheeler and quad has had a thumb since then. spanish quad's like gas gas still come with twist's.. even the new 10' mx'er.

My guess is that they found that thumb's had more control, then when quads took over ( dare I say that ) thumb throttles were the standard.
i rode one with a twist once, and it seemed everytime i pulled the front end up, my pulling back on the bars seemed to give it more gas, dangerous imo
i rode one with a twist once, and it seemed everytime i pulled the front end up, my pulling back on the bars seemed to give it more gas, dangerous imo

same here awk i have rode a blaster with a twist and didnt like it at have way better control with a thumber
^^Yuh, I agree^^. I like the thumb throttles on my Blasters. I feel like I'm more in control of the quads with this setup. However, I like the twist throttle on my Banshee, because my thumb doesn't get tired from constantly having to pull on two throttle slides. :D
My blaster has a thumb throttle, our LT250r has a twist. It's all in what you prefer and get used to.
Dont know if it is true, but hey could be. The reason for thumb throttles on 3-wheelers and quads are, if it falls over on a twist throttle it could pull the gas open and keep spinning on it's side. Heard it somewhere one day
Mmm... I think dirtbikes would be more dangerous because it falls and holds wide open... a quad would probably just flop over and be done lol