Tranny side crank seal


Dec 26, 2016
Just wondering if this right here is the crank seal on this side or if it's behind a different gear also how do I get this snappped bolt out of the basket ? The seal seems to be metal ? Not really sure


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It is a clean snap...and as for the crank seal, the one that is in there has a metal spring type thing around it..and the one I got is a oem yamaha seal and it doesn't have that on it ? A little weird
It's fine. It might just be an aftermarket seal in it right now. Was it leaking? Or are you just looking to do a little TLC?
Deffinatly leaking because I was burning a ton of gear oil, good to know it's nothing to worry about now that I have a second opionion I'll take it out for the basket should I drill it out and then re tap?
Yes the hole goes all the way thru , as well I was hoping to drill it out and luckily not strip the threads I will try that a little later today car started acting funnny so that's a first priority :(
So this is the seal that came out and this is the seal I'm going to be putting in...kind of looks like the flywheel side seal I just put in but unfortunately didn't save the bag so can't compare parts numbers


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Also any easy ways to press this thing in? On the flywheel side I heated the case and froze the seal is that okay on this side as well? Or any better ideas I don't have a real big deep socket or I would do that
So I'm having a little trouble getting this new seal over the collar ..any ways to do it as you can see in the one picture the seal that came out was a 2 piece metal seal and the collar fits perfect...the new seal witch I have checked and is the right seal for This side I can't get the collar to fit any ideas on how to get it in there without it braking?


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