trades need help


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
So I just rebuild the topend on my cr85 and done some work to it, I have a 99skidoo 583 2 stroke with 4500miles with fresh rings.......its hard to start when cold. around hear my cr is worth 1200ish and the skidoo about 1300ish with no promblems but mine is really hard to start cold. Now some guy wants to trade a mint 03 z400 for both.......around hear that z400 is worth 1800-2400$. I want to trade it to get a blaster again.......should I try to trade for a modded one or get a normal 03+ and ask for 500$ cash so I get a nice headstart on my build Im plaing on doing sometime soon or are both of these stupied ideas what you guys think
hard to say.. do which ever you think will work out best for you... if its hard to start cold... 20 min before the guy comes fire it up and let it run for like aminute... by the time he gets there it the pipes and heads wil be cold to the touch but should start easyer...
hard to say.. do which ever you think will work out best for you... if its hard to start cold... 20 min before the guy comes fire it up and let it run for like aminute... by the time he gets there it the pipes and heads wil be cold to the touch but should start easyer...

I told the guy that when he comes it maybe alittle hard to start because I fogged it out and summerized it, and the guys like I understand but yea im deffenlty gonna do that it will start fine after that........when cold thought it is a good 15min process to get start lmfao..........what you think about getting a blaster for the z400 I can deffently get a 03+ and cash probley
why not just put both of urs up for sale and buy a blaster then u will have alot more money to to do the build with

Well this is the problem I can sell the cr85 no problem but im on longisland theres no legal snowmobile trails, theres a lot of people that have snowmobiles that go upstate with them but there is really no market down hear for it, I tryed a lot but say I sell I go upstate to my house and sell it will go quick but it hard to get up there even twice a month