Trade Blaster for Mojave?

my friend i ride with has one and he is always having trouble with the engine those engins in the mojave r a steaming pile of monkey crap if your looking to up grade quads what size and what stroke.
i was gonna say if you trade for it i will hunt you down and run you over with my blaster, mojave's are slow, ugly and make 4 poke fart noises out of the exhaust.
There actually not that slow. There alright quads but like blaster dude said they are known for valve problems and for the stators quitting. Stick with the blaster.
There actually not that slow. There alright quads but like blaster dude said they are known for valve problems and for the stators quitting. Stick with the blaster.
Yeah they can actually be made pretty quick, but they just have too many problems and are very heavy for their size. I owned one and still do, but when the bottom end and trans went I couldn't justify a complete rebuild on an old pos, so now its a roller....
Yeah they can actually be made pretty quick, but they just have too many problems and are very heavy for their size. I owned one and still do, but when the bottom end and trans went I couldn't justify a complete rebuild on an old pos, so now its a roller....

Yeah with the right setup they can be made quick. You should drop the blaster motor in that aha.
Yeah with the right setup they can be made quick. You should drop the blaster motor in that aha.
Funny you say that, a few weeks ago it took it to the shop and tore it down with that exact swap in mind. But I got to thinking that frame is much bigger, it could handle much more power and its already set up for liquid cooling... its not out of my mind yet, I still might do it but I'm starting to think it would be a wast of my time when I could do much better.
For all those who say a mojave's ugly...... no there not...

i see we live pretty close together.
valve problems can be fixed easily. if you were riding slow technical trails like chadwick or something, i would do it in a hearbeat. alot of his ads say it needs carb work however... fourwheeler for sale
the mojave might be worth more, just because its alot more rare than the blaster and its a four stroke.