Trade a Honda for Yama?


New Member
Mar 17, 2010
Bedford, IN
I've got an old XR200 that I was thinking about restoring someday but decided to throw it up on Craigslist to try and pick up a new project that was a 2 stroke. I got a hit for a 98' Yamaha RT100 that runs. The XR200 is an 85', the engine was made in 84' and 85'... period. Besides that little downfall the bike is pretty cool. It's got the dual carb set up that is supposed to scream. Has a tail light, headlight, and speedometer so I had toyed with the idea of using it to get to classes and whatnot but it doesn't have a title right now. The crank seized up so that's why it isn't running now, the part isn't made anymore so I'd have to send it off somewhere to be rebuilt because it is probably pretty jacked up. There is some play with it when you move it around. Be best to rebuild it anyway just to be safe. The bike is all original with brand new tires and pretty much perfect actually.

So would you guys say that it is a good trade to get a running Yamaha RT100 for it straight up? The guy may want my paintball gun in the deal too.
I just looked up what an rt100 is my reaction they wasted their time with this, but i guess it would be a good deal straight up because the xr is not running
That's what I was thinking. It looks to me like a little mini bike thing or at least not much larger than that. It would really just be something to fool around with and drive around the yard. Lol. Or I could put my girlfriend on it and see how she does. Regardless it runs so I think it might be ok. Be damn near impossible to get rid of though if I wanted to make my money back from it... no money. So I will think about it, might just run it into the ground and have a little fun.

Anyone know anything about them?

Any input would be great.
Hey thanks man. I appreciate that link. I think I'll do the trade. It might be a decent bike for my girlfriend and give us a second off road vehicle to ride together with. I'll let the guy know.
You got it, won't be until at least this weekend. Maybe next though, but I'll make a post in the random threads so look for it. I'll put up a picture too.
my freind had a rt100 they are actally kinda fast, its pretty much a mini blaster motor in a bike the only thing dont plan on jumping it the suspension is the worse i have ever riddin.
I'm going to do the trade for the dirt bike if the guy decides to. He is doing some research, I told him to keep me posted. I got another response that I am not too sure about. It is for a 94' Kawasaki Bayou 220. He said it smokes and since it is a 4 stroke that is not good. It also needs the brakes adjusted so he probably tore those up but that is an easier fix. I'm not too into tearing down a 4 stroke. Haven't got a whole lot of knowledge as it is so I would rather deal with a 2 stroke for now. He said it runs though.

What are your guys thoughts on that trade.
I would roll the dirtbike trade instead, send it off to get porting and such. I bet you could swap the suspension out for a yz125 suspension. Sleepers are sweet!
I am thinking so too. But I don't know if the dirt bike guy would do it. It works in my favor by a lot if he does. Now he did suggest it but after doing research I doubt he will. I would be surprised. Got another offer for a 16 ga. shotgun but I won't do that one cause 16 is hard to get most of the time.