Trade 2 Blasters + $800 for a Raptor 660?

Well guys. first to answer a question, yes one of the blaster is burning ENGINE OIL, and i replaced the crank seal already.

the guy was going to get it jetted. He literally had just finished the bike and was going to order the jet kit. However i called him and we started talking and worked out a deal without him having to jet it.

the original owner of the raptor BLEW THE TRANNY OUT THE CASE, so this got new cases, new tranny, moose clutch basket. Had titanium valves already, 4mill crank, hot cams, 102mm piston.

it is a 717cc.

I did the trade, and i am dropping it off at a known mechanics to get leak tested, and tuned on the dyno. Will post results if you'd like.
I am thinking of keeping it. I actually had won a bid for some Diamond J widening kits which i could choose which bike for. Was going to get them for the blaster, might be better for the raptor.

Its at the Mechanics now. he is going over every inch of the bike.

Here are a couple Pics..
So what was the final deal?
What's it costing at the "mechanic" ?

It is good looking. Only first few years had trans problems, 05 should be good. Do a little research, I don't know if 660s had an "oil mod" or not.
01 had reall bad trannys, 02 are better but still not great.
it was the one-way starter gear they had major issues with. put an 03 gear in there and you wont have starting issues. the soft tranny gear inside the case was a problem, but not to often. either they went or they didn't.