It revs fine sitting. Just bogs when you give it gas. I do not know the gap but the spark plug is a ngk br8es . It is premixed 32:1 yamalube and supreme gas. I havnt compression tested it but it's got nice compression by guessing. No lid on the airbox. And I have a fmf gold series fatty pipe with a powercore 2 silencer
you need to take the float bowl off carb and check the main jet.
although if it is a stock jet it would have no problem bogging/just fry your top end from running lean.
and that makes no sense???? either it fully revs sitting still or not?not talking about idling.
it is bogging from either low compression,too much gas not enough air....or exhaust or airfilter/carb is plugged up/or your timing is off on the stator/flywheel........PERIOD