Tors issue


Dec 26, 2016
so the other night I deleted the tors on my 03 and it ran mint rode it around let it idle etc...shut the bike off and put it back in the shed it’s now 2 days later I start the bike and it is acting as if the tors is still engaged bike won’t rev..any ideas ? Reeds have been cleaned stator is good because I took it off my running 05 not sure what else it could be?
So today took flywheel off cleaned up the magnets with a little sandpaper ...cleaned reeds again even though they were fine...started the bike it ran good for about a minute revved and idled and then started acting again as if the tors was engaged is this the sign of yet again another bad stator and if so why does my bike keep
Burning stators
Parking break is deleted and yes tors was deleted correctly I did it same as I did on my 05 and that one runs perfect
Okay, then yOut need to start the process of elimination. Clean ALL connections (bit of di-elctric grease is good). Ohm everything. Ohm plug cap separate. Cut 1/4" off plug wire, install with dielectric grease. Make sure grounds are clean, bare metal.

Having a spare bike will allow you to check things like CDI , switches, coil, etc.
Thanks will ohm it tomorow swapped out cdi and coil from running bike still didn’t fix the was weird I deleted tors bike ran mint next day wouldn’t rev so I did what i said in my previous comment above and still can’t get it to run right would any electrical component on the bike possibly be putting out to much or not enough power and shorting out my stators? The bike had a bad stator where it wasn’t getting spark I took the one off my running bike and threw it in here so if this one is bad this will be the 2nd stator I’m going to have to replace