Tons of pics from riding today!!!! 56k beware!


New Member
Feb 9, 2009
Langhorne, PA
MY Fav. pic of the day!!!!!I:I

my buddy on his YZ 125:o

ME on the blasty!!!;)


Different jump was a big step up

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Man, I didn't know places like that existed in PA! Awesome dude!

It was in NEW JERSEY!!! The place is a sand quarry. Im not sure were it is exzakly. The place is about 2 hours from house. Its about an 1 passed chadsworth on 72 if anyone knows where that is. But next time i go will post it so if anyone wants to meet up and come with us!!!! I:I THANKS FOR THE COMMETS!!! My GIRLFRIEND took all the pics!! she has a canon rebal xs the camera is freaking awesome!!
that last photo is one of the best ive seen on this site
look at you basicly sitting on the grab bar lol

LOL i know the jump was a pretty good the lip of that jump is like 3-4 down from the top of that side of hill if you get what im trying to say. so its kinda like a step up in a way put you land on the down side of the hill. I was hitting in the 3rd gear.I:I
try gettin closer to teh front of teh bike, it makes it easier to correct in the air an makes it easier to land if you fly crooked
defently some sweet shots man, LMK when u r gonna ride there again, and ill try to meet up with ya

Will do man. How far are you from the cloumbis flemarkets. Cuz I go right by them on the way to that place. And its about another hour or so from there. But once you get there and know where it is you might know a different way home.
Will do man. How far are you from the cloumbis flemarkets. Cuz I go right by them on the way to that place. And its about another hour or so from there. But once you get there and know where it is you might know a different way home.

Columbus is maybe on your route, or how you are taking the route there, but there are tons of ways to go.

So this is out by Chatsworth huh?

Let's talk more about this spot shall we??