Well i had my bike apart for leakdown test then yesterday my cousin and his friend called and said there driving 2.5 hours to ride at the local place welll i put it together really fast and rode.
Well bike ran great except no back brakes and not much front. Well i was flying up a decent hill climb right before the top there is a tree root i hit that and it flings me into a wheelie which then makes it rolll over the top of me and rolled 3 or 4 times length ways. landed upright the damage a little dent on the fending handbars not bent just pushed down and a bend clutch lever broke off the front brake lever.
Well didnt even get a bruise or scratch from it and rode the rest
here is the hill look tiny but is about 30 or more feet was stitting where the 4 wheeler landed
pic of us we rode on a beach and a dried river bed that was awesome
Well bike ran great except no back brakes and not much front. Well i was flying up a decent hill climb right before the top there is a tree root i hit that and it flings me into a wheelie which then makes it rolll over the top of me and rolled 3 or 4 times length ways. landed upright the damage a little dent on the fending handbars not bent just pushed down and a bend clutch lever broke off the front brake lever.
Well didnt even get a bruise or scratch from it and rode the rest
here is the hill look tiny but is about 30 or more feet was stitting where the 4 wheeler landed

pic of us we rode on a beach and a dried river bed that was awesome