timing mod?

swing that stator plate over here one day and i'll cut it for ya... it's real easy..
i think i'm gonna do this when i tear the ear end down for the banshee axel. might as well because it doesn't sound too hard or time consuming.
i meant 03blasterboy... and what the hell are you talkign abour drilling and using a clamp?
for the flywheel puller it has these two rods that u dril the fly wheel in 2 spots and the rods on the clamp go in and u hlod it with ur arm its stupid because if u drill it wrong it will blow the magnets beacause they can get out of balence
if you still wanna do it your more than welcome to borrow my puller. or i can do the whole thing for ya.. i'll teach you how to take that side of the engine apart..
ok, i might drop it off some time in the future, not sure when, maybe after i get the axel installed, maybe go riding afterward at the trails in hebron, you know the one by the road, sorry hain a blond moment not sure what they're called.
thats the rt 231 trails. your not doing the axle til x-mas right? or before that?
everyone says to advance it +4, but when did I could not fell even the littlest deference.
so we went to +7 and it works amazingly!