throttle cable question???


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
ok quick question.... i just bought the 2 t o1 carb kit for my shee so i can get rid of the damn carb issues. what cable am i gonna need for my 38mm carb now. it says to use a blaster cable but how do i know if i have the right cable.. cause arnt the cables shorter cause of the tors system or are they all the same for length an hooking up or i can just buy a universal cable??? any help guys
ok thats what i was thinkin too but wasnt sure just wnated to make sure so i dont order the wrong part if u know what i mean... then all my carb issues will finally be fixed an ill have the shee finally running lol
omg dude im like dieing lol.... i took it all apart again yesterday to fix the problemms with the spare carb i got from a guy on here an well that didnt fix it... so i said f*ck it tie to get one big carb an the kit lol
omg dude im like dieing lol.... i took it all apart again yesterday to fix the problemms with the spare carb i got from a guy on here an well that didnt fix it... so i said f**ck it tie to get one big carb an the kit lol

I hear you bro Ive been dieing to get the Blaster running, getting close. LOL
Its getting nicer here too so I am really getting amped to ride....


do u guys think this cable will work since mine has twist throttle

I would think that cable would work fine. Why dont you just call Vitos and ask to be on the sake side bro.....
Haven't seen you on here for awhile! I hear you too. I'm sick of looking at my Blasty sitting in the garage. I'm close to getting it together. Just need to bolt the plastics on and get my bars on.
you can buy a full aftermarket twist kit for like 25$ that is universal that will work. thats what i ended up puting on my blaster. if i want i have a brand new DG half twist kit i can hook u up with cable and all is new let me know.
ok found out the blasty cable wont work cause vitos emailed me back an said that the blasty cable is 2 inches to short.... : ( so i dont know what to do but besides gettin that uni cable.... an i also forgot i need this part tooo an dont know where to get it
