this is funny

125 2 stroke is not faster than thgood. accept your wrongness and shut up e 250 four stroke version facts dont lie your wrong face it. stop getting worked up because you own a two stroke its all good, and i own a blaster and would personally say stock for stock the warrior is better.
dude i can blow off a crf250r like nothing you wrong they baby bikes probly equal to a 100 with a pipe and stock for stock yes warrior has a better top end but i can beat it in the track and in the dunes and in the sand banks BUT YOUR WRONG THOSE 250 FORSTOKE BIKES ARIENT AS FAST AS A 125 S TROKE ITS STUPID HOW YOU THINK THAT A LITTLE CRAPPY 250 FORSTOKE MOTOR BEATS A 125 2 STROKE you wrong i have already destoryed one wasen't even a fair race for the 250r because it just didden't have the balls their slow
also why is it that a xr250r caint beat a 100 2 stroke thats a racing bike frist verson of the crf250r you just mad because you have one and think their better 2 stroke kills the 4 stokes every time sorry to say your absutly wrong my dad works for razee motorcycle shop and my uncle woks forwheeles of freedom both places staff said the 125 2 stoke would beat a crf250r so your right and 50 people are wrong?????? i think not
Dude calm down. We don't need another board turning into a big argument. Did you read lbwd's thread about arguing? Your starting to look like that kid running in the picture.
no ones putting blasters down but you're clearly wrong about the 250f vs 125 look it up, that you tube video means nothing theres no numbers and thats not a controlled expirement.
ok here's the deal if a 250 is faster then why do bubba stewart, chad reed, kevin windam, and ricky carmicheal ride 450's ?????
and also i can tell by that video that the rider on the 250's not as good of a rider ad the 125 kid but i would love to have that track
they can only ride the 450s because the 250s are not beging made anymore so its a lot of advertising and that track is big enough to pass on thats a big track
they can only ride the 450s because the 250s are not beging made anymore so its a lot of advertising and that track is big enough to pass on thats a big track

hahaha no trust me if two strokes were faster factory teams would still ride 2 strokes
no they have to switch over and they are advertising the new bike to start selling them my dad uncle and freind all work at razee motorcycle center believe me i know
i have a 250ex with jets and i will ONLY use it on trails over a blaster that i am getting tommorow or the next day a blaster has more acceleration depending on upgrades for top end but i rarely would choose a blaster on a muddy trail but oviusly unless the blaster is broken and cant get out of 2nd gear it would win
not to nock 2 strokes but all the new 450 4 strokes will kill any blaster hands down
ok here's the deal if a 250 is faster then why do bubba stewart, chad reed, kevin windam, and ricky carmicheal ride 450's ?????

read this New EPA Emissions Rules May Mark End Of Two-Strokes

factory teams CAN still make 2-strokes for racing. but not sell them to the public. that would be a really really dumb move for any manufacturer. you want to be able to sell the public what's on the race track.

the epa has super strict emission standards and well, it's not practical for companies to continue trying to keep a 2 stroke within limits. and hey.. these new 450's ... oh my god.. they are f-ing fast, with torque everywhere.

there are some new fuel injected 2-strokes being built with even better emissions than 4-strokes. but, i doubt it will ever be mass produced. the maintenance free reliability of a 4 stroke will keep it numero uno.