This board is pretty friendly...

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i guess every forum has thier douchebags..

where exactly? and whats this about having to have a kennedy port job to be popular? obviously your mistaken what goes on over there..

We are friends.
I honestly don't fault you for what members do from PSJ,
but you are the admin there and control it all.
The fact is members from PSJ come here and E2S as well to do nothing but cause problems.
They do so on their own their own free will which is cool except back on PSJ they get pat on the back for doing it.
i love threads like these. i think normal protocall now is for somenoe to quote my psot about douchebags and then say "yeah PSJ is owned by one of them" then after that some personal slam against me right? hahha

youi know why i love these threads.... there is no such thing as bad publicity... how do you think e*s got so big? same sh*t.. keep pumpin it up guys.

truth be told i say alot of nice things about this forum.. i actually like this forum alot.. and i have never not once patted anyone on the back for causeing trouble over here. in fact look back a few days i actually openly called my own brother out for being a dick over here.. i can get a link for anyone that woudl like it.. i guess while we are on the topic with all this free publicity i'll drop a link so all the members wondering what the hoopla is about can drop by and check it out.. - Powered by vBulletin

you boys have a wonderful day.. (i'll be waiting on the douchebag comment.... i know it's comming)
We are friends.
I honestly don't fault you for what members do from PSJ,
but you are the admin there and control it all.
The fact is members from PSJ come here and E2S as well to do nothing but cause problems.
They do so on their own their own free will which is cool except back on PSJ they get pat on the back for doing it.
no hard feelings here paulie.. you know how i am... very little on the internet makes me mad.. and i;ve been in teh game a LOONG time... you and i are friends.. speaking of which i haven't got a text from ya in a while.. oh that reminds me i meant to fwd. you over some "pics"....
paulie you've been replying to this thread now for 10 mins.. you typing a fu*king novel?
it's real easy to sum up... talking sh*t about a forum on another forum really only promotes that other site..

thre are alot of things "assumed" or taken out fo context that are taken in a different way than it was intended.. the internet is the most un peronsal type of communication there is.. thta and text messages.. the actual feeling of the originaly poster is unknown.. there is no tone of voice.. no facial expressions.. and since people don't know who the other person even is then why give a sh*t right? so if i port something and i figure it as a joke and joe schmo comes along and reads it and his wife hasn't been keeping him pleased the last month he's kinda frustrated with life anyway so he takes offense.. it's the internet.. and too many peopel take it to seriously.. myself included in time past.. i used to get mad.. i even used to let it bother me when i walked away from the computer.. and at times i was "the ahole" or "prick" or numerous other names for the sh*t i've said people took out of context.. it all boils down to one thing.. people need to relax and not take sh*t seriously all the time. only time i get even the slightest bit bent out of shape is when someone personally insults my work.. even then youi ahve to consider your source.. people in the world already have too much stress so why worry about some typed word some some person you don't even know.. opinions are like assholes.. everybodys got one.. and it's just that an OPINION... so get pised cuz some douch form 1000 miles away says your mean? or that your a jerk cuz you like your steak med. rare and he think you should like it well done? f*ck that.. waitress!! round of miller lites over here!!!
I enjoy this forum.... I don't care to be a member of any other forums. I used to be on several forums when I was younger, none of which had anything to do with ATV's but it always seemed like the drama got out of control. This ALWAYS led to someone hacking and screwing up a forum I really enjoyed.

Needless to say, I will not be joining any other boards. I like it here, everyone is polite and helps out......

Much appreciated guys!!!

Aside from that, I have 3 rules.....

1. Don't be a douchebag
2. Don't be a douchebag
3. Don't be a douchebag

Follow my rules and you avoid the ban hammer )which I have no control over by the way!)

(I'm not directing that at you 370 and made up my mind to post it before I ever read your comments! I am sure your board is fine.....)
it's real easy to sum up... talking sh*t about a forum on another forum really only promotes that other site..

thre are alot of things "assumed" or taken out fo context that are taken in a different way than it was intended.. the internet is the most un peronsal type of communication there is.. thta and text messages.. the actual feeling of the originaly poster is unknown.. there is no tone of voice.. no facial expressions.. and since people don't know who the other person even is then why give a sh*t right? so if i port something and i figure it as a joke and joe schmo comes along and reads it and his wife hasn't been keeping him pleased the last month he's kinda frustrated with life anyway so he takes offense.. it's the internet.. and too many peopel take it to seriously.. myself included in time past.. i used to get mad.. i even used to let it bother me when i walked away from the computer.. and at times i was "the ahole" or "prick" or numerous other names for the sh*t i've said people took out of context.. it all boils down to one thing.. people need to relax and not take sh*t seriously all the time. only time i get even the slightest bit bent out of shape is when someone personally insults my work.. even then youi ahve to consider your source.. people in the world already have too much stress so why worry about some typed word some some person you don't even know.. opinions are like assholes.. everybodys got one.. and it's just that an OPINION... so get pised cuz some douch form 1000 miles away says your mean? or that your a jerk cuz you like your steak med. rare and he think you should like it well done? f*ck that.. waitress!! round of miller lites over here!!!

That's well said. Easier to say than do all too often. I think one of the rules I tend to apply to myself is this: If all these guys were hanging around in my garage, and I had something on my mind but didn't want to raise a hell storm, I'd just keep it to myself, or at least find a nicer way to say it. Why should the intarweb be any different?
I'm just saying that on the other board I was referring to when I started this thread, it seemed like there are a bunch of little boys (in mind, maybe not in body) standing around giggling about someone they mutually don't like, and they all feel "safe" on that board. Sort of like internet bullying I guess. It just rubbed me the wrong way.
That said, seeing how the various engine builders handle themselves in the middle of a poop-throwing fight and represent their business online has helped me (in part) decide who I'm sending my jug, head and cases to this winter...8-|
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i read every post on that forum.. it's a small forum and thats just fine with everyone there.. i've been at the helm of a big forum.. big forums usually tend to lose alot of their personability.. because there are soo many damn people... i'm not trying to have the largest powersports forum on teh net.. not am i looking to get rich from having that forum.. in fact.. i pay for it all out of pocket.. it's a completl loss finanacially speaking.. (most forums are. they are lucky to even break even for the year) sorry that you didn't like what you saw.. some people don't understand what a forum in which you can actually speak your opinion without reprocussion is all about.. if you noticed... NO SPONSORS THAT BUILD ENGINES... (in fact no sponsors at all at the moment) theres a reason for that.. because then people pump that person up and if you say anything bad the advertiser gets pissed at the administator because "he paid for that spot"... and i'm not gonna be into a guy for an advertising spot even if he's work quality is crap.. this is the same reason our government is f**cked up.. you throw enough money at someone they'll say anything you want.. well i've learned my lesson with that kinda crap.. i watched a site owner (and numerous moderators) bad mouth a company (not an engine builder either) but then when that guy came with money for advertising they took his money and put his banner up.. and said nice things about him in an open forum to keep that "advertising money".. so i'm not like that.. nor is my forum..

have a great day
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well, i didnt expect it to be about that site!!! guess i got used to the free speech type of forum over there.

to prove you wrong blasterfreek, not every member comes here to start problems. 370 and myself come here a lot and do nothing but help. i had 1 instance where i made an issue about somebodys "for sale" thread. but 370 was quick to put me in my place. not to mention there are a good handful of blaster owners there. most of them are members here also, and they arent trouble makers here either.....
You and 370 are here to promote that site.
I know what your gonna say "But I used to have a Blaster" and 370 is gonna say "my girlfriend has a Blaster".
Why else would the merry brothers be on Blaster forum?
Even so I got no issues with you guys being here.
Your Banshee project is cool.
370's advice is welcome.
Lets keep the forum wars off this site.

As far as douchebags coming from the other forum and making 'free advertisement' well that's on them.
If they don't follow the rules of this FAMILY forum then,
i'll treat them like I do the rest of the spam.

Thread kilt, done, 86'ed, closed.
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