the rzrs


New Member
Jul 16, 2010
take a look




installed a light bar, just need to get all the wiring done.
here is the other one we have







the rims and tires , the front bumper and the fender flares are getting swapped.
currently installing a 1/2" skid plate, putting on a lock n ride rear "cage", putting a horn on. will get more pictures once more things get installed.

the one will be put up for sale soon for 6K. it will have the stock tires and rims and the front bumper with the diamond plate on it
no clue on top speed, only gotten upto 50 on the side of our yard. and haven't really ridden them yet. going to do all the work first then go have some fun.
I don't see the point in them, honestly... the roll cages don't look that sturdy (they're what? And inch and a half around max?), if you roll that thing over (which wouldn't be hard), you're strapped in and won't be getting out. I'll stick to my wide open blaster. To each his own though.
those roll cages are way stronger than you think. someone rolled one down a hill and he was safe. they just need 4 or 5 point harness in them.
those roll cages are way stronger than you think. someone rolled one down a hill and he was safe. they just need 4 or 5 point harness in them.

That could be, a lot of things look more weak then they are. I'd take a drive in one, but I'm not sure if I'd spend what they want for one... again though, to each his own. If that's what you like, go for it. Lol. I have to give it to you, they are nice and clean looking machines.
now you have 2 green ones.... eewwwwwwww lol. RZR's are awesome, very trail capeable and strong. ive seen one wedged under a tree branch multiple times and its been rolled a few times as well, all teh rollovers did was crack the windshield haha I:I
Shee, how do you like your rzrs? Have they ever given you any problems? How would you compare them to other side by sides?
the one when we got it was backfiring bad, had bad exhaust gasket, the other runs great.
i have driven a rhino, it was nice, but i think all sxs should come with a harness and not seatbelts. i had a bruise on my right shoulder from the seatbelt.
the rzr is nice, i think it is better for the trails than the rhino. but that is my opinion. the can-am is overweight and ugly.
How it started when bought



had a front bumper, rear bumper, winch, rock slider nerf bars and a plow with mount

first installed a light bar, put the fender flares and rims and tires from the other rzr on, installed a 3" lift, put on full skid plates, a horn, lock n ride rear cage, parking brake, and a mirror. that is all for now, but it still needs some 4 point harness, lights on the rear and a box for tools and gas tanks in the trunk.







it needs a nice cleaning too. will get more pictures of it durning the day soon.
Here is the RZR our dad just picked up Saturday. Some parts from the green one above are getting put on this one like the winch, skid plate, rock sliders, lift kit, wheels and tires.
