The most annoying thing ever...


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
Lynnwood, WA
I personally find the most annoying thing ever to put onto any part of a blaster is the damn circlips that go on the piston to hold the wrist pin in..

What about ya'll? Whats the most annoying thing for you guys?

P.S. Taking 4 pouches of grizz wintergreen and playing COD MW2 is the most epic thing ever... LOL!
i HATE adjusting my chain and takeing my carb off..... which sucks cause thats pretty much a regular thing with these babys lol I:I
with the piston circlips try installing them butt first with the split up, the first goes in really easy, and then you can turn the ends of the clip into the groove.

works for me

ive got a even easier way... you get someone else to do it lol I:I
The most annoying thing ever for me was being lied to by the original owner and getting a hunk of sh*t that needs a new clutch,top end, chain , sprockets, paint job ect......
you don't have the run of the mill blasty either PB lol.

most annoying thing ever...about to finish up your motor and you're torquing down the last head stud....and it pulls out of the jug, so you put a time sert in and fix it......repeat this process untill all 6 have pulled out and been replaced