Tested: 250r shock travel numbers

May 11, 2024
Something to digest for you blaster owners

Trx250r shock travel numbers

Here’s something to digest throughout the day. I pulled the spring off of the ysf250r to measure travel before I make a long travel swing arm for it so I can see the comparison.

It is a fully stock 93 blaster with a trx250r shock on it.

We have all ridden stock blasters and know how little travel they have, this one with a 250r shock felt like it had considerably more, I had to know.

I pulled the spring off which is getting replaced with a dual rate with custom valving.

I tested using 2 different methods to make sure it was all consistsnt and accurate.

To test the first time I jacked the quad up from the frame until the rear wheel were of the ground, I had a wooden dowel going from the center of the wheel where the axle would be with a marker attached to it. The marker going to a board. I carefully lifted the axle up until it was bottomed out, then got a flexible sewing tape measure and put it along the suspension path, and I had my travel numbers.

The second test I simply got a yard stick straight next to the wheel, lifted the axle up and then subtracted the difference between the two numbers to get travel, this test perfectly matched the first.

The numbers shocked me, both giving me almost exactly 10.25 but then on further inspection I realized my bump stop was completely gone. I measured the bump stop on my 97 250r and taped it off in the shaft of the blaster shock.

I tested again making sure bot to exeed tale. both tests were consistent at 9.25

At 7.1 stock a 250r shock is worth 2.15” of travel, a huge improvement on a shock you can get for around 70-150$

I will be pulling the spring off of a 400ex shock I have laying around to compare and see which one nets more travel.

I will be testing apon every mod I make to the rear end to see what difference individual mods make.

Next is a +4 swing arm and I will test what difference just and extended swinger makes.

Then I will be cutting the shock mount off the swinger and moving it down and towards the machine to get a ton of travel.

This is what members Phragle and yzotis have done in blaster forms to get both 15 and 13 inches of travel respectively.

Below are pictures of it at the top of the travel, and bottom of travel.

I also intend to measure fronts and then run asr arms with fireball ball joints and 16.5 inch shocks to see the difference between asr and stock.
Something to digest for you blaster owners

Trx250r shock travel numbers

Here’s something to digest throughout the day. I pulled the spring off of the ysf250r to measure travel before I make a long travel swing arm for it so I can see the comparison.

It is a fully stock 93 blaster with a trx250r shock on it.

We have all ridden stock blasters and know how little travel they have, this one with a 250r shock felt like it had considerably more, I had to know.

I pulled the spring off which is getting replaced with a dual rate with custom valving.

I tested using 2 different methods to make sure it was all consistsnt and accurate.

To test the first time I jacked the quad up from the frame until the rear wheel were of the ground, I had a wooden dowel going from the center of the wheel where the axle would be with a marker attached to it. The marker going to a board. I carefully lifted the axle up until it was bottomed out, then got a flexible sewing tape measure and put it along the suspension path, and I had my travel numbers.

The second test I simply got a yard stick straight next to the wheel, lifted the axle up and then subtracted the difference between the two numbers to get travel, this test perfectly matched the first.

The numbers shocked me, both giving me almost exactly 10.25 but then on further inspection I realized my bump stop was completely gone. I measured the bump stop on my 97 250r and taped it off in the shaft of the blaster shock.

I tested again making sure bot to exeed tale. both tests were consistent at 9.25

At 7.1 stock a 250r shock is worth 2.15” of travel, a huge improvement on a shock you can get for around 70-150$

I will be pulling the spring off of a 400ex shock I have laying around to compare and see which one nets more travel.

I will be testing apon every mod I make to the rear end to see what difference individual mods make.

Next is a +4 swing arm and I will test what difference just and extended swinger makes.

Then I will be cutting the shock mount off the swinger and moving it down and towards the machine to get a ton of travel.

This is what members Phragle and yzotis have done in blaster forms to get both 15 and 13 inches of travel respectively.

Below are pictures of it at the top of the travel, and bottom of travel.

I also intend to measure fronts and then run asr arms with fireball ball joints and 16.5 inch shocks to see the difference between asr and stock.
The TRX250R shock adds about 2.15 inches of travel over stock, making a big difference.