sweet quads

yea, i see that, my bad, i guess someone else has an exact same shed, with the outlet in the exact same place, oh and they had a zilla which you too did....yea...my bad

i am not seeing a zilla anywhere.

and that barn is bought from a place, very common design. just happen to paint the same green, my bad.
I found a zilla.

different front tires, and my levers are polished, not the same sorry. and who is copying my banshee, time to roll up on them gangster style.
haha i love seeing everybody argue over something stupid. if i remember right i seen somebody that in their sig it said, "it's not what you ride, it's that you ride" so why is everybody arguing?
ya, just need that bolts for the gas tank, it isn't bolted down.
but it will still whoop some ass.

and casey, it is a long story. i am mainly just seeing how far i can go with denying it.
sweet banshees. i see the blaster trying to poke its head out in one of the pics. i want a blingstar front bumper for my blaster. my birthdays coming up, maybe ill get one then
$75 and you can have that one.
and that blaster tried to come out, but the big bad banshee beat it back in the barn. lol f*ck that was a lot of b words lol.