suspended liscence, moving to a diff state?


New Member
Nov 17, 2008
my liscence are suspended, will be for like 4 years due to speeding tickets, now does anyone know if i move to a diffrent state will i be able to take the test there and start over? im talking like lower states like fl,ga,nc,sc, ?? or will they continue to haunt me for 4 yrs?
dude sorry to say but whereever u move it will stay with u nomatter wat... its under record and unlees u pay a fine maybe or all hte tickets they probably wount let u get it back
the anwser is no. if you are suspended, another state will be able to look and see that it is. california will not issue you a license if you are suspended or revoked (14600 CVC) in another state
They ask you on the form that you fill out at the DMV if you have ever been issued a license in another state for this reason! Most states dont want to give you a license if another state has already taken it away.
yeah i thaught this was the case... damn... im to the point whare i have so many points(like 27-30?) that i cant take the driving classes (you have to have less than 12 to take the classes) and it takes 4 yrs from the date of the tickets for the points to just come off your record.... the worst was 98 in a 55, that was 6pts, all the tickets are either 2,3 or 6 pts 6pts being reckless driving(anything over 15mph over the designated speed)... so in other words.. im screwed....
and my prablem is alot of states require you to have a valid liscence in order to ride a atv...
if you get caughtriding the atv on pavement and the cop wants to make a point.. you can get hit with
driving without a license (on your person)
driving on a suspended license
driving without insurance
driving with registration (paper copy)
defective/missing tirn signals
dective/missing brake light
non dot approved head light
non dot approved tail light
non dot approved tires
no rear view mirror
since 4 wheeled vehicles are considered cars...
no winshield
defective missing windshield wipers
no seat belt
inadaquet fenders/tire coverage
no working horn
no front license plate
no rear license plate
no license plate light
loud exhaust

I actually new somebody who got an 8 page ticket in a baja bug in california. The cop told him "I could write more but my hand is getting get my point?"
i know in indiana that you can ride on streets for up to 27 days if you are a non resident with out any registration if your from out of state, in certian counties only though, but if you live there ya got to register em, dont know how to do that and what ya need either never did it
friend of mine was suspended in wi.. moved to wy for school.. got adl there.. now that he is back he ha s avalid licence....

and for registering it.... idk how it works by you but here in wi.. you can get anew registration card for a atv or snowmible.. if your lucky and the atv still has a old registration sticker on it, you write them numbers down, and the frame numbers and go to the dnr, they will look up the info, if it shows its not stolen and you have a'bill of sale' you wil get anew registraon card in your name
ok, next question whares a place i can run the vin's in my blastys to make sure they havnt been stolen, i know for sure one of them wasnt cuz i baught it from the original owner and i went to highschool with him