

New Member
Jun 6, 2010
eastern iowa
well guys found out wednesday that i need surgery so this morning at 7 bright and early they put me under! some of u may have seen i got in a dirtbike wreck like 5 weeks ago, but yeah. had 33 stiches between both my knees, which r healed now, and broke my scaphoid in my wrist...anyways i was in a cast for 4 weeks but the bone collapsed and now they did a bone graft from my radius and put a screw in it! hopefully ill b able to ride the blaster soon!


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nice. glad you were ok. and i hope you will be back and riding soon. what a suckish way to start the summer! and masterblaster01 was the one who crashed a few weeks ago
lol gonna have to switch hit for awhile man.... no worries if the other hand can see its not cheating officially... take care man... sucks to be off the bike for summer im sure...

plus its been hotter then hells gates out my way... sweat in cast = itchy = coat hanger ftw. good luck man