Summer project help!?


New Member
Apr 16, 2009
I started my summer project today. This year it is bilding a home made go-cart. out of a lawn mower engine. how ever im using an 10 year old brigs and stratin motor. it sputers real bad. like it will idel up then bluu and just start going up and down. heres were it begains. 1. i tore it apart today, every thing, cleanded... every thing. notced one the intake valve doesnt go all the way down:eek:. i dont know much about motors but that cant be good. any way bilt it back all the way and now it runs how ever it still bogs or what ever. took the filter off exuse is puffing out of the intake, even i know not good. im thinking a valve spring im i right? next question. it has a throlteless carb, am i able to still run it well like a cart?