Subway interview help !?

Stay calm, look them in the eye, be polite, firm handshake, don't use slang, street ling, your best English, avoid ums and ahs. Answer ?s fully without being long winded. Try to avoid one word answers.

Good luck!!
Make sure you mention that you friendly, easy to get along with and love working with people.
/\ them, and that you make a mean BLT sandwich !!!
dont stutter, dont be nerves, be confident, but dont look like ur a know it all, and an everything, and that you can run everything.

my job now, my interview was a 10 min phone call, and she thought i was very shy, and nerves until i start working and getting involved. and now im running pretty much everything. but she dident know that nor did i tell her. i also had a few good recomdations.
Yeah, Ill report back. Sometimes when I get nervous I just burst out laughing and cant stop for like 10 min. Its happened at funerals, other interviews. idk it pisses me off
Yeah, Ill report back. Sometimes when I get nervous I just burst out laughing and cant stop for like 10 min. Its happened at funerals, other interviews. idk it pisses me off

i dont get nerves.

lol talk like ur talking to a friend. but like you respect them lol. think of it this way. the worst thing they can do is say no. lol like its not going to be bad :p
Interwiewers always take into account that applicants will be shy and nervous, all but the hardened few will be.

Interviewers look for the truth and can usually see through those that are not telling it.

Be early, be smartly dressesd and groomed, remove excessive piercings and if possible cover up tatts.

All what Larry says carry some weight.

I have been part of many interwiew panels and I look for the person who can convince me that they are the best person for the job.

I have always been impressed by the person who has left with the interview panel, a pre-writted letter thanking them for considering them for the position. Give it to the panel leader after the interview, before leaving the room.

When it comes down to the final few when trying to deciede who gets the job, that letter always tips the scales.

Good luck.
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Yeah she didnt even ask me anything. just asked how I was going to get there and when i was going to be open.