

New Member
Oct 14, 2011
I have a 88 Blaster 200. Sat for a couple years. I parked it because I ran out of gas then I went to college out of state and now decided to pull it back out and get it going. Got a new spark plug. New gas (32:1). Took the carb off, took the bowl off sprayed good with carb cleaner. Put it back on and it started. Put everything back together and kicked it and wouldn't start. Took the carb back off and sprayed it again. I used 2 whole cans of carb cleaner. Put it back on, started, drove it for like 3 minutes shut it off, tried to start again and same result. Took the carb off, washed it in a parts washer, made sure to blow air through all the holes, jets, etc...and got air flow through all of them, and now it won't start. Got spark and the plug was a little wet. I know some of you will probly think compression test. I haven't done that yet but shouldn't it be fine since it ran the day before? Any help would be much appreciated.
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Check your air box and your filter. Many times when blasters sit for a while, mice take over tha airbox. Mice LOVE to build nests in air boxes.

Also, clean your air filter
The air box hose isn't hooked up to the carburetor. It did have mouse nests but we cleaned that all out of the air box and tube
was the carb completly torn apart...u have to make sure u take all the jets out..especially the needle seat and o ring..if any gas was sitting in the carb it turned to a white flaky substance and will clog up all the jet openings
I took the bowl off and the main jet nut and the little plastic piece off... The jets did not come out. It ran out of gas and that was the reason I quit riding it so there shouldn't have been gas in there. I also just went out and unbolted the pipe and kicked it for awhile and saw gas coming out and i could also smell it. I was kicking it with the throttle wide open as well. It would start turning over longer but never start then it would shoot a blast of air like it was relieving pressure.

I've been thinking about getting some starting fluid just to get it started then maybe run it for a long time and see if that would get the kinks worked out but haven't done that yet.
I took the bowl off and the main jet nut and the little plastic piece off... The jets did not come out. It ran out of gas and that was the reason I quit riding it so there shouldn't have been gas in there. I also just went out and unbolted the pipe and kicked it for awhile and saw gas coming out and i could also smell it. I was kicking it with the throttle wide open as well. It would start turning over longer but never start then it would shoot a blast of air like it was relieving pressure.

I've been thinking about getting some starting fluid just to get it started then maybe run it for a long time and see if that would get the kinks worked out but haven't done that yet.

have u checked the reeds in it ?
how do I check the reed valves and what do I look for to see if they are good or not...Also the engine was rebuilt back in 2005, 2006? and maybe has 100 hours on it
u have to take off the intake boot...thats what the carb slides into..remove the bolts and ur intake and reeds should all come out...look for cracks or worn out tips on the reed petals..and they should sit nice and tight against the reed block
Pushed it down a hill just now and got it to push start and run. Now think it could be the idle screw?
Turn the idle screw clockwise until it gently seats, then turn anti clockwise 1 1/2 turns, this gives the correct setting if the float level is correct and the carby is clean.
Once I got it to push start it ran and we drove it up and down the street and whenever the clutch was engaged it died. Got to looking at the carb and there is a threaded hole on the right side opposite the fuel inlet. I am thinking that hole is where the idle screw is supposed to go? tried looking at the downloadable manual but it doesn't show the side i need it to. Also, is the "air screw set" the same as the idle screw?
I could have misled you by saying idle screw, I should have said pilot air screw. 1 - 1 1/2 turns out.

Stock bike with TORS has no idle screw in the carby, its up on the top rear of the TORS unit.
On the side that is next to the right leg, there is a threaded hole on the carb. It's like the one next to the "starter plunger" but on the other side. Is there something that is supposed to be in the hole?
there are no jets/adjustments on the right side, only the oil injection inlet, that must be plugged off if the oil injection has been removed,
this carb does have some extra journels, that may or may not be threaded, that lead nowhere, the are not "cast" thru to the inside
stick sumthin in there and check
Ok. I will take a couple pictures of the carb here in a bit and post it here to show what "hole" I am talking about. Is the oil injection inlet on the bottom of the bowl?
the oil injection inlet is mid/high toward the back, right in front of/top of, the back "throat" where the air filter tube connects