stuck wide open


New Member
May 23, 2010
i got this blaster from this dude and it is stuck wide open he couldnt figure it out so he gave it to me if somebody could help me out thanks. i think it has something to do with the t.o.r.s not sure please help
yeah like oconner said, check the slide. all you will need to check is a screwdriver. unscrew the boots form both sides of the carb and take the carb out so you can see through it, the slide in the carb should only be about 2 pennies of gap fom the bottom of the opening.
PICS!!!!!! lets see it , what year blasty is it? any mods ? Yeah easy fix , UNLESS it stuck wide open and then went BOOM!!!!!!!! we'd like to see it
my blaster did the same thing.. if it idles decent when the choke out it is the tors.. would probably have to remove nad get new carb top and idle screw