thanks to your son for his service to our country and tell him to be more careful fell on his butt there at the end lol
yea, he was just haming it up. got a bunch of him on the kawasaki doin some jumps, but they are on his camera and he posted them on facebook, and i cant extract them to put them on u tube, he has the camera in afghan and i wont speak to him until after new years, he's doin that sneaky stealthy stuff he cant talk about.
thanks for the thumbs up for my boy, im very proud of him, he's a good marine, and already in 6 months longer then i was, he signed for 5 and i think he's gonna re - up for another 5, his call, as it was to sign.
i told him, no pressure, just cuz every male in our family has served. lol
it was a no brainer, he was a marine from the time he was walking