dude you have no idea,you think getting your bike stolen is bad? try having your parents get in a divorce and the c*nt takes it and you d*mn near help load it!!!!when on top of that she didnt pay one cent, it was my swet and blood to pay for it and work on it, she only road it once and killed it in ten feet got off an said f this........but hehe if she road it now it will need a new tranny cuz the gascet is bad bad and shell blow it upi know that would suck! but the she told her aternie shes giveing it back in two weeks!!! hopefully it just need that gascet still???
i don't mean to be an ahole, and please don't think that im trying to come off as a pain in the ass.. i hate starting sh*t, but im going to speak anyway...
he posted this thread to let people know that sales were off for the 4wheeler.. not to be "aww.. poor me.. "
we didn't ask for you to outdo his experience... but you came and you wanted everyone to pity you because your parents got divorced, which is sad, and hard on people yes, and im very sad to hear that it happened, but you didn't necessarily need to be an elitist and take over.. im sorry if you think im being a pain in the ass... but i had to let you know, because that is one thing that particularly bothers me (people that desire others to pity them)
he posted this thread to let people know that sales were off for the 4wheeler.. not to be "aww.. poor me.. "
we didn't ask for you to outdo his experience... but you came and you wanted everyone to pity you because your parents got divorced, which is sad, and hard on people yes, and im very sad to hear that it happened, but you didn't necessarily need to be an elitist and take over.. im sorry if you think im being a pain in the ass... but i had to let you know, because that is one thing that particularly bothers me (people that desire others to pity them
were there any special parts, pipe, bars, carb, shocks, etc... that we could be on the lookout for sale from your state, my legs broke, so i got nuthin better to do than cruise for parts
were there any special parts, pipe, bars, carb, shocks, etc... that we could be on the lookout for sale from your state, my legs broke, so i got nuthin better to do than cruise for parts