Stock heel guards


Oct 8, 2009
Anybody know if I can make stock heel guards work with DG nerfs? Here's a bigger picture to show the nerfs a bit better.

What the hay I'll give them a shot. I'm fine with how they are now but when my girlfriend rides with me she's worried about the tires hitting her feet... 8-| thanks for the replies
What the hay I'll give them a shot. I'm fine with how they are now but when my girlfriend rides with me she's worried about the tires hitting her feet... 8-| thanks for the replies

I got my heel guards off now... and last time I rode my girlfriend around her foot did hit the tire, so I guess there is a reason for their concern... I guess I shouldn't of hit the jump with her on it XD
YES you can. I just installed a set of "DG Alloy Series" nerf bars on mine tonight. The brake side fit perfectly, on the shifter side I had to use my body weight to get the outside bolt on the foot peg and the bolt that holds the plastic part of the heal guard to the fender to line up. I took pictures but cannot figure out how to post them. Good Luck
YES you can. I just installed a set of "DG Alloy Series" nerf bars on mine tonight. The brake side fit perfectly, on the shifter side I had to use my body weight to get the outside bolt on the foot peg and the bolt that holds the plastic part of the heal guard to the fender to line up. I took pictures but cannot figure out how to post them. Good Luck

cool, thanks. Now if I could just get her to stop bitching about sliding off the back of the seat...I'm thinking about rigging up a small type of seat "extension" that just drops into the grab bar for when she goes with me.
id just tell her its over rated. lol jk man. i only ride double if i have to. otherwise im afraid im gonna blow her up. lol but now on my old shee i rode double alot. but after one ride most people never wanted to ride with me again. i always for get there back there an try to ride wheelies an stuff an then they freak out cause there hands hit the ground lol. ive never dumped it with someone on yet tho. thank god. i also never lost a passenger except once when i through her off when the quad was rolling into a creek so she wouldnt get pinned. lol that was a long night. i also stood up my buddies 400 into a tree goin up a hill. lol some how back down out of the tree. i bought him a brush gaurd for xmas last year becuase i broke his plastic bummper so i felt bad an to install the brush gaurd he had to remove the front bummper any ways. lol