stock blaster handle bar clamps?


Jan 28, 2016
Hey guys I'm trying to figure out how to change the clamps on stock 98 blaster I'm not sure if it's possible please let me know
Simply unbolt them.. Maybe I'm not exactly sure what your meaning.?? The stock 2 bar clamps can be changed to a universal single bar clamp, or you can go with a fatbar clamp adaptor and then run fatbars while still using the stock stem.
There is the two bolts on the top of the clamp but other than that there's no bolt take the entire top off and put new clamps on it I'm not sure what you're talking about un bolting
I'm talking vabout the 2 clamps that hold the bars down as you stated.. Are you referring the the steering stem? If you mean the steering stem (the long tube from the bar clamps to the first rods) than no you can't change the top. I think you are talking about an anti vibe steering stem ?? No u can't change it to an anti vibe stem, however you can custom make one using the bottom of the existing stem and welding on a new anti vibe top mount, or a cheap easy anti vibe stem is to pull off the plastic cap under the bar mounts, spray in some foam insulation like "great stuff" and it does actually work and asbsorbs some of the vibration..