still losing oil.y?


New Member
Feb 16, 2012
put in new crankseals and its still losing oil,not leakin it.what is goin on with this thing?any ideas?
It's either leaking out the case while riding, or burning it! Leak test it now that you have new seals in.
if the oil is disappearing its leaking, most probably between the cases - leaking into the crankcase. You need to do a leaktest to determine this. if it is, it will blow air out of the tranny vent
Leak test will tell you.

How much oil are you putting in, it should be no more than 650ml.

Trans oil can get out three ways, leak from case, blow out the breather or pass by the crank seal into the crancase.

If it is leaking from the case or coming out the breather you should see it.

If it is passing the seals it will be evident as the motor will blow white stinky smoke.