still here and still got questions

yamaha blaster

New Member
Jun 15, 2008
So I want to put a full fmf system on the yz anyways I found a fmf fatty on ebay the only downside is it has two dents in it. I've heard of ways to pop the dents like the pipe and push air in it or fill it with water and put it in the freezer. I was just wondering if anyone has tryed these methods and if they work. Thanks.
I'm pretty sure filling it with water and freezing it will pop everything but the dent! You could take it to a body shop and have them use a real dent puller on it, but you would probably be better off finding one without dents in it in the first place.
i have heard of those methods, and also the "plug one end, give it a small cup of gas, shake, stuff other end with, and light newspaper, run like hell method"

not sure if any work, try the compressed air, then freeze, then run like hell method last, or just wait for a good one