Stickey question for mods??


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
so i was woundering if there wasnt a way to make like a sub forum for all the stickeys cause like when i log on with my phone it takes for ever to scroll down cause of all the stickeys. i dont know if we could maybe do something like that i was bored an just thought i would throw that idea out there at ya guys. :)
i like this idea too, theres some pages that pretty soon the sticky's will take up the whole first page
good thinkin bob
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or clean up the stickeys... like free stuff, other atv's you own, arguing on the internet, and the wildcard review could be moved to the engine section, .... and for other sections clean them up, keep what needs to be there, and get rid of the rest...

i come on here now and then on my phone and even on my blackberry it still super slow
now that we're on the subject of getting on here thru our phones, is there a way to have our pm's sent to our phones????